Risk management

Spotlight on: Sven Carlsson, Ericsson Group

The head of markets at Ericsson talks to Joel Clark about the change in the telecommunications group’s treasury function and FX hedging strategy over the past 17 years, as well as his views on new regulation

FX Invest April-June now LIVE!

Read about risk-adjusting exposure to the renminbi; growth of the electronic FX options market; Solvency II and currency risk management; profiles with UK'as Financial Services Authority and Allianz Global Investors

Spotlight on: Damian Glendinning, Lenovo

The Chinese PC manufacturer’s group treasurer talks to Joel Clark about his role in setting up a global treasury function when Lenovo bought IBM’s PC business in 2005, and explains his belief that FX risk management should be kept as simple and…

The trick's in the tail

The Cambridge Strategy's focus on tail risk sets it apart from other asset managers. Saima Farooqi talks to its chief investment officer about emerging markets risk and reward

Triumph in the midst of adversity

The past 12 months have been perhaps some of the most challenging for the foreign exchange market as it pushes to ensure it remains independently governed as an industry with its specific risks, while continuing on the growth trajectory aided through new…

Irish woes may spread to other PIIGS

Market fears over the solvency of Ireland’s troubled banks and the potential threat they pose to both government finances and to the country’s growth prospects may yet bring contagion to other peripheral European markets, investors fear.